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How late can I place an order and have it shipped the same day?
You can place an order anytime during business hours or anytime via email but if it is placed before 1pm you can get it shipped out the same day.
How can I reach the Accounting Departments?
You can email '' for any accounting inquiries ie invoice copies, statements, payments on account, etc.
What are your hours of operation?
All locations are open Monday through Friday, 6am - 4pm.
What is your minimum order amount?
All orders have a $25 minimum unless paid by cash.
Do you do job-site visits?
Please contact your local sales rep for pull tests, job-site visits, estimates, etc.
Where can I get a credit application or resale certificate?
Please click here to download.
Where do I go for vendor estimating guides?
Please go to our 'VENDOR' section and click on the vendor icon.
Where do I go for MSDS or Technical Guides?
Please go to our 'VENDOR' section and click on the vendor icon. You can find any these on the vendor websites or through a Google Search.
Who do I contact for warranty inquiries?
Please contact Desmond Ports ( for all warranty inquiries.
Do you have tinting capabilities?
Yes, both our Menlo Park and Oakland locations have tint dispensers. Please contact inside sales.
What is your return policy?
Authorized returns must be within 45 days of purchase and are subject to a 20% restocking charge. Special order items are not returnable for credit. Exceptions may be made for special circumstances.
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